President 総裁 |
Vice- President 副総裁 |
Secretary-General 幹事長 |
Chairperson, General Council 総務会長 |
Chairperson, Policy Research Council 政務調査会長 |
Important Historical Events 略史 |
HASHIMOTO Ryutaro 橋本 龍太郎 95.10.1 - 97.9.30 平成7.10.1 - 9.930 (effectively in this post from 9.25) [9.25より実効的に] |
KATO Koichi 加藤 紘一 95.10.1 - 96.11.6 平成 7.10.1 - 8 .11.6 (effectively in this post from 9.25) [9.25より実効的に] (although his term ended on 9.30.1996, he remained in office for the time being) [8年9月30日任期満了だが当分の間現体制で] |
SHIOKAWA Masajiro 塩川 正十郎 95.9.25 - 96.11.6 平成 7.9.25 - 8.11.6 |
YAMASAKI Taku 山崎 拓 95.9.25 - 96.11.6 平成 7.9.25 - 8.11.6 |
- U.S. President Clinton visits Japan; Japan-U.S. joint Declaration on Security is announced (96.4.16 - 4.18) クリントン大統領来日/日米安保協同宣言発表 [8.4.16 - 4.18] - Lyon Summit (96.6.27 - 6.29) リヨンサミット [8.6.27 - 6.29] - terrorists take hostages and occupy the official residence of the Japanese Ambassador to Peru (26.12.18) ペルーの日本大使公邸でテロリストが人質をとり占拠 [8.12.18] - crisis in Peru ends when government security forces storm and retake the Japanese Ambassador's official residence; 71 of 72 hostages held by terrorists are rescued on the 127th day of their captivity (97.4.23) ペルー日本大使公邸人質事件、軍突入で終結(127日目)、人質72名中71名救出 [9.4.23] - Denver Summit; Russia joins G8 (97.6.20) デンバーサミット、ロシア加えて G8 [9.6.20] - Hong Kong returned to China after 156years under British rule (97.7.1) 香港156年間の英国から中国に返還 [9.7.1] - decision reached that Japanese national soccer team will participate in next year's World Cup for first time in history (97.11.16) 来年のサッカーワールドカップに日本初出場決定 [9.11.16] - the Third Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change held in Kyoto (97.12.1 - 12.11) 地球温暖化防止京都会議 [9.12.1 - 12.11] |
KATO Koich 加藤 紘一 96.11.6 - 97.9.30 平成 8.11.6 - 9.9.30 |
MORI Yoshiro 森 喜朗 96.11.6 - 97.9.30<平成 8.11.6 - 9.9.30 |
YAMASAKI Taku 山崎 拓 96.11.6 - 97.9.30<平成 8.11.6 - 9.9.30 |
HASHIMOTO Ryutaro 橋本 龍太郎 97.10.1 - 98.7.24 平成 9.10.1 - 10.7.24 |
KATO Koich 加藤 紘一 97.10.1 - 98.7.25 平成 9.10.1 - 10.7.25 (effectively in this post from 9.11) [9.11 より実効的に] |
MORI Yoshiro 森 喜朗 97.10.1 - 98.7.25 平成 9.10.1 - 10.7.25 |
YAMASAKI Taku 山崎 拓 97.10.1 - 98.7.25 平成 9.10.1 - 10.7.25 |
Liberal Democratic Party - Terms in Office of Top Party Leaders