総裁 |
President |
副総裁 |
Vice-President |
顧問 |
Advisor |
幹事長 |
Secretary-General |
幹事長代行 |
Executive Acting Secretary-General |
幹事長代理(総括) |
Senior Acting Secretary-General |
幹事長代理 |
Acting Secretary-General |
副幹事長(特命担当) |
Deputy Secretary-General for Special Missions |
副幹事長(筆頭) |
Chief Deputy Secretary-General |
副幹事長(総括) |
Senior Deputy Secretary-General |
副幹事長 |
Deputy Secretary-General |
総裁特別補佐 |
Special Advisor to the President |
総裁外交特別補佐 |
Special Advisor to the President for Foreign Affairs |
人事局長 |
Director-General, Personnel Bureau |
経理局長 |
Director-General, Treasury Bureau |
情報調査局長 |
Director-General, Information Research Bureau |
国際局長 |
Director-General, International Bureau |
次長 |
Deputy Director-General |
総務会 |
General Council |
総務会長 |
Chairperson, General Council |
会長代行 |
Executive Acting Chairperson |
会長代理 |
Acting Chairperson |
副会長 |
Deputy Chairperson |
総務 |
Member |
党紀委員会 |
Party Ethics Committee |
党紀委員長 |
Chairperson, Party Ethics Committee |
副委員長 |
Deputy Chairperson |
委員 |
Member |
両院議員総会 |
Joint Plenary Meeting of Party Members of Both Houses of the Diet |
両院議員総会長 |
Chairperson, Joint Plenary Meeting of Party Membersof Both Houses of the Diet |
副会長 |
Deputy Chairperson |
衆議院議員総会長 |
Chairperson, General Assembly of Party Members of the House of Representatives |
ブロック両院議員会 |
Regional Bloc Conference of Party Members of Both Houses of the Diet |
政治倫理審査会 |
Political Ethics Hearing Committee |
党大会 |
Party Convention |
役員会 |
The Board |
役員連絡会 |
Extraordinary Meeting of the Board |
選挙対策本部 |
Election Strategy Headquarters |
選挙対策本部長 |
Head, Election Strategy Headquarters |
本部長代行 |
Senior Acting Head |
本部長代理 |
Acting Head |
副本部長 |
Deputy Head |
選挙対策委員長 |
Chairperson, Election Strategy Committee |
委員長代理 |
Acting Chairperson |
副委員長 |
Deputy Chairperson |
事務局長 |
Chief Secretary |
事務局次長 |
Deputy Chief Secretary |
人事委員会 |
Personnel Committee |
人事委員長 |
Chairperson, Personnel Committee |
副委員長 |
Vice-Chairperson |
財務委員会 |
Finance Committee |
財務委員長 |
Chairperson, Finance Committee |
委員 |
Member |
中央政治大学院 |
Central Institute of Politics |
総長 |
Chancellor |
学院長 |
President |
副学院長 |
Vice President |
教授 |
Professor |
講師 |
Lecturer |
組織運動本部 |
Party Organization and Campaign Headquarters |
組織運動本部長 |
Chairperson, Party Organization and Campaign Headquarters |
本部長代理 |
Acting Chairperson |
副本部長 |
Vice-Chairperson |
団体総局長 |
Director, Interest Group Policy Division |
次長 |
Deputy Director |
法務・自治関係団体委員長 |
Chairperson, Committee on Organizations Involved with Judicial Affairs and Local Autonomy |
副委員長 |
Vice-Chairperson |
財政・金融・証券関係 団体委員長 |
Chairperson, Committee on Organizations Involved with Public Finance, Finance and Securities |
教育・文化・スポーツ 関係団体委員長 |
Chairperson, Committee on Organizations Involved with Education, Culture and Sports |
社会教育・宗教関係 団体委員長 |
Chairperson, Committee on Organizations Involved with Social Education and Religion |
厚生関係団体委員長 |
Chairperson, Committee on Organizations Involved with Health and Welfare |
環境関係団体委員長 |
Chairperson, Committee on Organizations Involved with the Environment |
労働関係団体委員長 |
Chairperson, Committee on Organizations Involved with Labour |
農林水産関係団体委員長 |
Chairperson, Committee on Organizations Involved with Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries |
商工・中小企業関係 団体委員長 |
Chairperson, Committee on Organizations Involved with Commerce, Industry and Medium and Small Sized Enterprises |
運輸・交通関係団体委員長 |
Chairperson, Committee on Organizations Involved with Transport and Transportation |
情報・通信関係団体委員長 |
Chairperson, Committee on Organizations Involved with Information and Communications |
国土・建設関係団体委員長 |
Chairperson, Committee on Organizations Involved with Land Development and Construction |
安全保障関係団体委員長 |
Chairperson, Committee on Organizations Involved with National Security |
生活安全関係団体委員長 |
Chairperson, Committee on Organizations Involved with Community Safety |
NPO・NGO関係団体委員長 |
Chairperson, Committee on Organizations Involved with Non-Profit Organizations (NPO) and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) |
地方組織・議員総局長 |
Director, Local Organizations and Local Assembly Members Division |
名簿センター |
Registrar Center |
在外邦人センター |
Center for Japanese Citizens Residing Abroad |
女性局長 |
Director, Women's Affairs Division |
青年局長 |
Director, Youth Division |
労政局長 |
Director, Labour Administration Division |
遊説局長 |
Director, Public Speeches Division |
連絡協議会 |
Liaison Committees |
教育問題連絡協議会 |
Liaison Committee on Education |
女性問題連絡協議会 |
Liaison Committee on Women's Affairs |
宗教・社会教育に関する 連絡協議会 |
Liaison Committee on Religion and Social Education |
政令指定都市議員連絡協議会 |
Liaison Committee for Municipal Assembly Members of Designated Cities |
広報本部 |
Public Relations Headquarters |
広報本部長 |
Chairperson, Public Relations Headquarters |
本部長代理 |
Acting Chairperson |
副本部長 |
Vice-Chairperson |
広報戦略局長 |
Director, Publicity and Strategies Division |
ネットメディア局長 |
Director, Internet Media Division |
新聞出版局長 |
Director, Newspaper and Publications Division |
報道局長 |
Director-General, Information Bureau |
国会対策委員会 |
Diet Affairs Committee |
国会対策委員長 |
Chairperson, Diet Affairs Committee |
委員長代理 |
Acting Chairperson |
副委員長(筆頭) |
Chief Deputy Chairperson |
副委員長 |
Deputy Chairperson |
委員 |
Member |
政務調査会 |
Policy Research Council |
政務調査会長 |
Chairperson, Policy Research Council |
会長代行 |
Executive Acting Chairperson |
会長代理 |
Acting Chairperson |
副会長 |
Deputy Chairperson |
政調審議会 |
Policy Research Council Board |
委員 |
Member |
部会 |
Policy Division |
部会長 |
Director |
部会長代理 |
Acting Director |
副部会長 |
Deputy Director |
内閣第一部会長 |
Director, First Cabinet Division |
内閣第二部会長 |
Director, Second Cabinet Division |
国防部会長 |
Director, National Defense Division |
総務部会長 |
Director, Internal Affairs and Communications Division |
法務部会長 |
Director, Judicial Affairs Division |
外交部会長 |
Director, Foreign Affairs Division |
財務金融部会長 |
Director, Treasury and Finance Division |
文部科学部会長 |
Director, Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Division |
厚生労働部会長 |
Director, Health, Labour and Welfare Division |
農林部会長 |
Director, Agriculture and Forestry Division |
水産部会長 |
Director, Fisheries Division |
経済産業部会長 |
Director, Economy, Trade and Industry Division |
国土交通部会長 |
Director, Land, Infrastructure and Transport Division |
環境部会長 |
Director, Environment Division |
調査会 |
Research Commissions |
会長 |
Chairperson |
会長代理 |
Acting Chairperson |
顧問 |
Advisor |
副会長 |
Deputy Chairperson |
事務局長 |
Chief Secretary |
理事 |
Director |
幹事 |
Manager |
税制調査会長 |
Chairperson, Research Commission on the Tax System |
選挙制度調査会長 |
Chairperson, Research Commission on the Election System |
科学技術・イノベーション戦略調査会長 |
Chairperson, Research Commission on Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy |
ITS推進・道路調査会長 |
Chairperson, Research Commission for the Promotion of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and Highways |
治安・テロ対策調査会長 |
Chairperson, Research Commission on Public Safety and Counter-Terrorism |
沖縄振興調査会長 |
Chairperson, Research Commission for the Promotion and Development of Okinawa |
消費者問題調査会長 |
Chairperson, Research Commission on Consumer Issues |
障害児者問題調査会長 |
Chairperson, Research Commission on Persons and Children with Disabilities |
雇用問題調査会長 |
Chairperson, Research Commission on Employment Issues |
総合農林政策調査会長 |
Chairperson, Research Commission on Comprehensive Agriculture and Forestry Administration |
水産総合調査会長 |
Chairperson, Research Commission on Fishery Policies |
金融調査会長 |
Chairperson, Research Commission on the Finance and Banking Systems |
知的財産戦略調査会長 |
Chairperson, Research Commission on Intellectual Property Strategy |
中小企業・小規模事業者政策調査会長 |
Chairperson, Research Commission on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise and Small Business |
国際協力調査会長 |
Chairperson, Research Commission on International Cooperation |
司法制度調査会長 |
Chairperson, Research Commission on the Judiciary System |
スポーツ立国調査会長 |
Chairperson, Research Commission for the Establishment of a Sports Oriented Nation |
環境・温暖化対策調査会長 |
Chairperson, Research Commission on Environment and Global Warming Countermeasures |
住宅土地・都市政策調査会長 |
Chairperson, Research Commission on Housing and Land Policy |
文化立国調査会長 |
Chairperson, Research Commission for the Establishment of a Culture Oriented Nation |
食育調査会長 |
Chairperson, Research Commission on Dietary Education |
観光立国調査会長 |
Chairperson, Research Commission for the Establishment of a Tourism Oriented Nation |
青少年健全育成推進調査会長 |
Chairperson, Research Commission for Promotion of Healthy Development of Youths |
外交調査会長 |
Chairperson, Research Commission on Foreign Affairs |
安全保障調査会長 |
Chairperson, Research Commission on Security |
社会保障制度調査会長 |
Chairperson, Research Commission on Social Security System |
総合エネルギー戦略調査会長 |
Chairperson, Research Commission on Comprehensive Energy Strategy |
情報通信戦略調査会長 |
Chairperson, Research Commission on info-Communications Strategy |
整備新幹線等鉄道調査会長 |
Chairperson, Research Commission on Shinkansen and other Railways |
競争政策調査会長 |
Chairperson, Research Commission on Market Competitiveness Policy |
地方行政調査会長 |
Chairperson, Resaerch Commission on Local Government Administration |
教育・人材力強化調査会長 |
Chairperson, Research Commission for Strengthening Education and Human Resources |
物流調査会長 |
Chairperson, Research Commission on Product Distribution |
特別委員会 |
Special Committees |
委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Committee |
委員長代理 |
Acting Chairperson |
顧問 |
Advisor |
副委員長 |
Deputy Chairperson |
事務局長 |
Chief Secretary |
過疎対策特別委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Committee on Depopulation |
外国人労働者等特別委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Committee on Foreign Workers |
たばこ特別委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Committee on the Tobacco Industry |
捕鯨対策特別委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Committee on Whaling |
災害対策特別委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Committee on Disasters |
再犯防止推進特別委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Committee on the Prevention of Repetition of Crimes |
国際保健戦略特別委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Committee on Global Health Strategy |
宇宙・海洋開発特別委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Committee on Space and Ocean Development |
超電導リニア鉄道に関する特別委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Committee on Superconducting Maglev Linear Motor-Car Train |
航空政策特別委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Committee on Aviation Policy |
海運・造船対策特別委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Committee on Marine Transportation and Shipbuilding |
都市公園緑地対策特別委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Committee on City Park Green Tract of Land |
山村振興特別委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Committee on Mountain Villages Promotion |
離島・半島振興特別委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Committee for the Promotion of Isolated Islands and Peninsula Areas |
インフラシステム輸出総合戦略特別委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Committee on Comprehensive Strategy Concerning Infrastructure System of Export |
原子力規制に関する特別委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Committee on Nuclear Regulations |
鳥獣被害対策特別委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Committee on Wildlife Damage Control |
奄美振興特別委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Committee on Amami Promotion |
クールジャパン戦略推進特別委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Committee for the Promotion of the Cool Japan Strategy |
領土に関する特別委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Committee on Territories |
北海道総合開発特別委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Committee on Hokkaido Comprehensive Development |
交通安全対策特別委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Committee on Traffic Safety |
下水道・浄化槽対策特別委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Committee on Sewerage and Septic Tanks |
社会的事業推進特別委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Committee on the Promotion of Social Business |
所有者不明土地に関する特別委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Committee on Unclaimed Lands |
女性活躍推進特別委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Committee for Promoting Women's Active Participation |
特命委員会 |
Special Mission Committees |
特命委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Mission Committee |
郵政事業に関する特命委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Mission Committee on Postal Service |
戦没者遺骨帰還に関する特命委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Mission Committee for Returning of the Remains of Japanese Soldiers Died Overseas During World War II |
日本の名誉と信頼を確立するための特命委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Mission Committee on Establishing the Honor and Trust of Japan |
性的マイノリティに関する特命委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Mission Committee on Sexual Minority |
安全保障と土地法制に関する特命委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Mission Committee on National Security and Land Act |
医療情報政策・ゲノム医療推進特命委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Mission Committee for the Promotion of Medical Information Policy and Genomic Medicine |
日本Well-being 計画推進特命委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Mission Committee for the Promotion of Japan Well-being Plan |
孤独・孤立対策特命委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Mission Committee on Loneliness and Isolation |
2027横浜国際園芸博覧会(花博)推進特命委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Mission Committee for the Promotion of the International Horticultural Expo 2027, Yokohama |
PFI推進特命委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Mission Committee for the Promotion of Private Finance Initiative (PFI) |
令和の教育人材確保に関する特命委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Mission Committee on Securing Human Resources in Education in the Reiwa Era |
防衛関係費の財源検討に関する特命委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Mission Committee on Financial Resources for Defense-Related Expense |
差別問題に関する特命委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Mission Committee on the Issues of All Forms of Discrimination |
「日本電信電話株式会社等に関する法律」の在り方に関する特命委員長 |
Chairperson, Special Mission Committee on the Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation Act |
本部 |
Headquarters |
本部長 |
Chairperson |
座長 |
Head |
財政政策検討本部長 |
Chairperson, Headquarters for Fiscal Policy, Policy Research Council |
経済安全保障推進本部長 |
Chairperson, Headquarters for the Promotion of Economic Security, Policy Research Council |
デジタル社会推進本部長 |
Chairperson, Headquarters for the Promotion of a Digital Society, Policy Research Council |
自由で開かれたインド太平洋戦略本部長 |
Chairperson, Headquarters for Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy, Policy Research Council |
社会機能移転分散型国づくり推進本部長 |
Chairperson, Promotion Headquarters for Building the Nation based on Decentralizing Metropolitan's Social Functions, Policy Research Council |
「こども・若者」輝く未来創造本部長 |
Chairperson, Headquarters for Creating Bright Future Society for Children and Young People |
日・グローバルサウス連携本部長 |
Chairperson, Headquarters for Japan-Global South Cooperation, Policy Research Council |
デジタル行財政改革推進本部長 |
Chairperson, Headquarters for the Promotion of Digital Administrative and Fiscal Reform |
PT |
Project Team |
PT座長 |
Head, Project Team |
有明海・八代海再生PT座長 |
Head, Project Team on Special Measures Concerning Rejuvenation of Ariake Sea and Yatsushiro Sea, Policy Research Council |
終末期医療に関する検討PT座長 |
Head, Project Team to Consider Terminal Care, Policy Research Council |
子どもの元気!農村漁村で育むPT座長 |
Head, Project Team on Fostering Children's Vitality Staying at Farming, and Fishing Village Areas, Policy Research Council |
二輪車問題対策PT座長 |
Head, Project Team on Motorcycle Issues, Policy Research Council |
国民皆歯科健診実現PT座長 |
Head, Project Team for Realizing Mandatory Dental Checkup, Policy Research Council |
女性の生涯の健康に関するPT座長 |
Head, Project Team on Lifelong Health for Women, Policy Research Council |
佐渡島の金山世界遺産登録実現PT座長 |
Head, Project Team for the Realization of Registration of Sado Island Gold Mines as a World Heritage Site |
総合政策研究所 |
Forward Policy Study Unit |
特別機関(総裁直属) |
Special Organs (under the direct supervision of the President) |
憲法改正実現本部長 |
Chairperson, Headquarters for the Realization of Revision of the Constitution |
政治改革本部長 |
Chairperson, Headquarters for Political Reform |
行政改革推進本部長 |
Chairperson, Administrative Reform Promotion Headquarters |
新しい資本主義実行本部長 |
Chairperson,Headquarters for Achieving New Capitalism |
東日本大震災復興加速化本部長 |
Chairperson, Headquarters for Accelerating Reconstruction after the Great East Japan Earthquake |
地方創生実行統合本部長 |
Chairperson, Headquarters for Overcoming Population Decline and Regional Revitalization |
国土強靭化推進本部長 |
Chairperson, Headquarters for Promoting the Establishment of the Disaster Resilient Japan |
財政健全化推進本部長 |
Chairperson, Headquarters for Promoting the Fiscal Consolidation |
2025年大阪・関西万博推進本部長 |
Chairperson, Promotion Headquarters for World EXPO 2025, Osaka, Kansai |
TPP・日EU・日米TAG等経済協定対策本部長 |
Chairperson, Headquarters for Economic Partnership Agreements including TPP, Japan-EU EPA, and Japan-US TAG |
北朝鮮核実験・ミサイル問題対策本部長 |
Chairperson, Headquarters for North Korea's Nuclear and Missile Tests |
北朝鮮による拉致問題対策本部長 |
Chairperson, Headquarters for North Korean Abductions |
ウクライナ問題に関する対策本部長 |
Chairperson, Headquarters for the Ukrainian Issue |
GX実行本部長 |
Chairperson, Headquarters for Realizing Green Transformation |
安定的な皇位継承の確保に関する懇談会会長 |
Chairperson, Panel on Ensuring a Stable Imperial Succession |
令和6年能登半島地震対策本部長 |
Chairperson, Headquarters for the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake |
参議院自由民主党 |
Liberal Democratic Party in the House of Councillors |
参議院議員会長 |
Chairperson, Liberal Democratic Party Members' General Assembly in the House of Councillors |
参議院幹事長 |
Secretary-General for the LDP in the House of Councillors |
参議院政策審議会長 |
Chairperson, LDP Policy Board in the House of Councillors |
参議院国会対策委員長 |
Chairperson, LDP Diet Affairs Committee in the House of Councillors |
会計 |
LDP Accounting and Finance Officer in the House of Councillors |
会計監督 |
LDP Auditor in the House of Councillors |
議員立法推進委員会 |
Committee for the Promotion of Legislations by Diet Members |
その他 |
顧問 |
Advisor |
参与 |
Councilor |
党友 |
Fraternity Member |
賛助員 |
Supporting Member |
党員 |
Party Member |
党本部 |
Party Headquarters |
自由民主党本部 |
Liberal Democratic Party Headquarters |
事務局長 |
Chief Secretary |
次長 |
Deputy Secretary |
部長 |
Division Director |
支部連合会 |
Federations of Party Branches |
自由民主党 ○○ 府・県支部連合会 |
Federation of ○○ Prefecture Liberal Democratic Party Branches |
自由民主党東京都支部連合会 |
Federation of Tokyo Metropolitan Liberal Democratic Party Branches |
自由民主党 北海道支部連合会 |
Federation of Hokkaido Liberal Democratic Party Branches |
支部連合会長 |
Chairperson |
事務局長 |
Chief Secretary |
次長 |
Deputy Chief of the Secretariat |
支部 |
Party Branch |
選挙区支部 |
House of Representatives Electoral District Branch |
衆議院比例区支部 |
House of Representatives Proportional Representation District Branch |
参議院選挙区支部 |
House of Councillors Electoral District Branch |
参議院比例区支部 |
House of Councillors Proportional Representation District Branch |
市区町村支部 |
City / Ward / Town / Village District Branch |
職域支部 |
Occupation / Interest Group Branch |
地方選挙区支部 |
Local Electoral District Branch |
(例)自由民主党広島県第3選挙区支部長 |
[Example] Chairperson, Liberal Democratic Party Hiroshima Prefecture House of Representatives 3rd Electoral District Branch |
自由国民会議 |
Liberal National Congress |
国民政治協会 |
National Political Association |