
中国による防空識別圏の設定の即時撤回を求める決議 高市政調会長が会見


中国による防空識別圏の設定の即時撤回を求める決議 高市政調会長が会見





--------------------以下 同内容の英文--------------------

Resolution to call for the immediate retraction of
the establishment of the Air Defense Identification Zone
by the Government of the People's Republic of China

November 28, 2013
Policy Research Council, Liberal Democratic Party

On November 23, the Government of the People's Republic of China (PRC) announced that it had established an "East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone", that aircraft flying in the zone must abide by rules set forth by the Ministry of National Defense of the PRC, and that the Chinese Armed Forces would take "emergency defensive measures" if aircraft did not follow the specified procedures.
These measures taken by the PRC are profoundly dangerous acts that unilaterally change the status quo in the East China Sea, escalating the situation, and that may lead to unintended consequences in the area.
The measures taken by the PRC would coercively oblige all aircraft, including those for civilian use, flying in this international airspace, to abide by regulations that the Chinese Armed Forces have unilaterally set up. The fact that China announced that it plans to take military countermeasures if aircraft do not follow the regulations unduly infringes the freedom of flight in international airspace, which is a general principle of international law. It is also a grave challenge to peace and stability of the Asia Pacific region and of the international community as a whole.
Many aircraft follow routes in the airspace above the East China Sea, and the announced measures raise major problems from the viewpoint of their impact on the order and safety of civil aviation. The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) would like to make it clear that the measures announced by the Chinese side have no validity whatsoever in Japan.
In addition, the "zone" established by the PRC seems to treat the airspace over the Senkaku islands, an inherent part of the territory of Japan, as if it were a part of China's "territorial airspace". Japan, as a democratic and peace-loving nation, can never accept this kind of unjust expansionism through coercion and intimidation.
The LDP demands that China immediately revoke all such measures that could restrict the freedom of flight in international airspace.
Furthermore, the LDP urges the Government of Japan to adopt a resolute stance and collaborate closely with its ally, the United States, the international community, including neighbouring countries and regions with which Japan shares the common values of freedom and democracy, fundamental human rights, and the rule of law, and with the United Nations and other international organizations to take whatever measures are necessary to fully preserve both the sovereignty of Japan and the lives and property of the Japanese people.