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Comfort women issue: Recommendations to Restore the Honor and Trust of Japan

August 24, 2015

The Party submitted "Recommendations to Restore the Honor and Trust of Japan" to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on July 28.

The recommendations were drafted by LDP's Special Mission Committee to Restore the Honor and Trust of Japan (Chairperson: Hirofumi Nakasone, member of the House of Councillors) in reaction to the significant damage done to Japan's honor by misreporting on the comfort women issue in some media outlets.

They call for the government to proactively explain the objective facts, provide appropriate rebuttals to misleading information, and disseminate information to the world that will help improve the image of Japan. They also contain explicit calls for convening symposia of experts and supporting information dissemination by third parties.

Chairperson Nakasone emphasized "the importance of the government and the Diet working together to correct the perceptions of the international society." Prime Minister Abe indicated his understanding.

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