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LDP submits a special measures law enabling Japan's logistic support in the Indian Ocean and anti-piracy measures

October 6, 2010

On October 6th, LDP's joint meeting of the Cabinet Division, Defense Division, and Land, Infrastructure, and Transport Division submitted a bill to the current Diet session that would allow the SDF to support and supply foreign vessels engaged in the prevention of international terrorism in the Indian Ocean. The bill is essential if Japan is to fulfill its responsibility as a member of international community and to play a key role in the prevention of international terrorism. The bill includes the provision for the SDF to supply foreign vessels engaged in anti-piracy activities off the coast of Somalia. The bill will be submitted as a special measures law and its expiration limit is two years.
Regarding the supply in the Indian Ocean, the Hatoyama administration terminated the activity last January after eight years after deciding it no longer served a useful purpose. The LDP Subcommittee on Defense Measures of the Defense Division was convened after this decision. Faced with the collision of the Chinese fishing boat with a Japanese Maritime Safety Agency's patrol-boat off the Senkaku Islands, the Subcommittee considered the legal implications of patrolling the territories as a prior step to the Defense Ministry's taking direct measures to defend the area. Director Iwaya of the Defense Division explained that LDP's judgment and experience were embodied in the proposed legislation.

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