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  • Article 68
    In order to improve the knowledge and skills of Party Members and to discover and cultivate competent individuals to become national, regional, and local leaders, the Party shall establish a Central Institute of Politics.
    1. The Institute shall have a Chancellor, a President, and Professors. If and when necessary, the Institute shall also have Lecturers.
    2. The Chancellor of the Institute shall be the President of the Party.
    3. The President of the Institute shall be appointed by the Chancellor.
    4. Professors of the Institute shall be commissioned by the Chancellor.
    5. Lecturers of the Institute shall be appointed by the President of the Institute.
    6. The Central Institute of Politics may also conduct training courses for individuals who are not Party Members.
    7. Procedures necessary for the management of the Central Institute of Politics shall be stipulated in the Institute's Regulations.
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